Saturday, July 13th, 2024
Middle school and high school age kickers are welcome to attend this kicking and punting camp, contest and clinic.
We start with a high school kicking & punting camp from 9-Noon.
Then hold a kick-off, punting and field goal competition (open to campers and college counselors) and finish the day with a college recruiting clinic!
* the contest and clinic are optional, but we strongly urge ALL of our campers to attend them both. It’s a great experience for kids and parents alike.
8:30am Check-in
Please arrive at 8:30am on the game field (find our tent) and we get underway at 9am sharp. We’ll be on the field until noon. Campers will get a free combine t-shirt and plenty of hands-on (or should I say, legs-on) instruction. Come prepared to get some punts in. You’d hate to be unprepared and have to skip kicks because your leg is tired or sore.
The 3-hour session will be a mixture of group instruction, small group drills that focus on all aspects of kicking & punting: stance, steps, foot position, follow through (for soccer style or straight on kickers). We’ll work on PATs, field goals, kickoff, and a few specialty kicks, as well. We’ll get novice punters on the right track and experienced punters booming more consistently. We add some competition with other campers to get you kicking opportunities under pressure! It’s our goal to give you new insights and tools to improve your technique, your consistency, distance and game mentality. Regardless of how advanced you are, we guarantee that you will learn valuable insights that improve your game.
I do not teach a singular method to kicking or punting. We find what works and move on from there. Whether you are a beginner or all-conference, campers tell us that there’s a lot to take away from this experience.
Combine t-shirt
We ask our campers to wear the free t-shirt, not only because it’s cooler than any other camp shirt you’ll get this summer, but because we do some filming, and it’s easier to identify which camper we’re looking at for evaluations.
What should you bring to camp?
First and foremost, a great attitude. We won’t hesitate in sending a camper home if they are belligerent or disrespectful to coaches, parents or fellow athletes (and not refund their camp fee). Don’t be “that guy”.
Do bring comfortable workout gear, kicking shoes, and a football that you use in high school (please make an identifying mark on the ball), along with any tees you use. You should also have a jug of water, a snack if necessary, and any additional clothing should the weather be unexpectedly cold or rainy.
What if it rains?
We will have camp — rain or shine. Weather can only delay us. Turf fields offer good footing and no puddles! We will have access to a storm shelter should it be necessary.
What about other camps?
By all means, go to them. Quality repetitions are crucial to your success and competing with other athletes from your area or from across the country gives you a great gauge on your progress. We make it very accessible to get quality learning. Some of what we teach may be different. It’s great for campers to realize that there is not “a singler way” to become a successful kicker or punter.
We’re not running a 100-kids-on-a-field camp — ours is smaller and more personal (typically 20 campers). We want you to learn — and not worry about scouts. Don’t misunderstand, there may be college recruiters in attendance, BUT we don’t do stat sheets… so you don’t need to worry about attempting new skills. Plain and simple, we train kickers and punters, at any skill level to be better than they were before attending camp so that you can become your school’s “Friday Night Kicker”.

KO: Gus Kroening, Baldwin-Woodville H.S. (WI)
PUNT: Nate Custer, UW-Whitewater (WI)
FG: Garrison Jackman, Litchfield H.S. (MN)
2nd Annual
This competition is open to campers, college counselors, college players or free agent kickers and punters.
ONE ENTRY offers each specialist access to all three competitions: Kick-offs, Punting and Field Goals.
Note that we’re on turf so that we can kick, rain or shine. Inclement weather will only delay us and we’ll have access to a storm shelter should it be necessary.
Saturday, July 13th
Our morning camp will be wrapping up at 11:30am.
MPKC Check-in starts at 11:30pm on the game field and we get underway at 12:00pm sharp. We’ll have the field until we crown our champions (around 2pm).
Participants will get a free performance t-shirt and the opportunity to compete against kickers from around the state (and across the Midwest) Come prepared to kick. You’ll get plenty of time to warm up, but don’t be the person who isn’t prepared to compete because their leg is tired.
There won’t be “camp instruction”, but Coach Farley will be on the field to provide pointers, if asked, as well as provide some helpful tips and advice to perform at your very best.
Spectator Attendance is FREE!
Everyone is welcome to attend free of charge and come right on to the sidelines to enjoy the competition. We encourage you to bring as many friends and family members as you like (just behave yourself:-) It should be a great atmosphere AND provide the most game-like conditions you will see ALL SUMMER LONG.*
How does it work?
This is a competition like none-other. To start things off, just like on “Friday Night”, we’ll begin with the kick off competition. However, instead of a point score (like we do at the Northshore Combine), we want to make it easier for fans to know who’s in the competition and who is not.
Kick Offs: You will tee up the ball 40 yards away from the end zone. You must kick the ball on the fly to the end zone (yes, the goal line is IN). Any kick that does not reach the end zone (yes, it has to be in-bounds… or beyond the end zone) will advance you in the competition. You need to successfully complete the kick to advance to the next distance. Each kicker gets 2 misses for the competition before they are OUT. We move back in 5 yard increments until only one kicker remains. Should the last two kickers miss their second kicks at the same distance, then they will both stay in the competition and move in 5 yards to re-attempt the KO.
Punting: The second competition is punting. Specialists will set up 35 yards away from the end zone. The same rules apply to punters as stated for kick offs. We won’t be clocking hang time — the only thing that matters is to get your punt into the end one (or beyond). It’s a consistency in distance competition.
Field Goals: Kickers will set up at the 25 yard line and work their way back in 5 yard increments, just like we do for kick offs and punts, except you’ll need to clear the uprights, of course! You will get 2 misses, but you must make at each distance to proceed. Likewise, should two kickers miss at the end of the competition, they will move in 3 yards to re-attempt the kick. It’s sudden death.
NOTE: High school kickers may use up to a 2″ tee or block. College kickers and free agents will use a 1″ kick off tee and no tee for field goals. HOWEVER: Free agents… older than 40 can follow high school rules, if they prefer.
*Trying to bring real pressure into your summer training is always difficult. Attending this event might be the best training you do all summer long.
Will there be scouts there?
We are actively promoting this event and are alerting college and professional teams. We do not guarantee who shows up. We will be promoting the winners of each discipline via social media and on our YouTube Channel after the event.
This is the Midwest’s premier event for kickers and punters… from college guys to high schoolers (and even middle schoolers, too). Champions in the different disciplines will be awarded some great prizes!
“End Zone” ball is a simpler way for players and fans to instantly understand who’s winning and who is not. When it comes to kickoffs and punts, just get your ball to land on our beyond the end zone (while staying within the sidelines).
Everyone is invited to join the UW-River Falls football staff on a tour of their incredible facilities and learn more about the college recruiting process.
Participants (and their families) are invited to attend a Recruting Clinic to help you learn what more about the collegiate recruiting process. You needn’t be an upper-classman to take advantage of this FREE 1-hour session.
Campus is just 1-mile away from the MKPC
Drive over to UW-River Falls and be introduced to what the college football experience is all about. Coach Matt Walker leads the discussion. Coach Farley will also add an NIL session, along with a general Q&A, especially as it pertains to kicking specialists. There will be a free box lunch for all who attend. The cost of this special session is covered by your MKPC entry fee.
We’ll even feed you…
Enjouy a free box lunch while at the recruiting clinic. It’s a long day of football, but our campers say it’s well worth the time. Most likely, you’ll be done around 4:00pm.
IMPORTANT: If you or your camper gets lost or will be delayed in getting to camp, please text Mike Farley directly at: 262-388-3326. We want to make sure that every camper is safe at camp (as well as to and from the camp site).