Advanced Kicking Camp
Each year, we hold a camp or two where the entire focus is kicking. This year’s camp was in Plymouth, Wisconsin — home of the Panthers. We had eight campers who did a great job in honing their kicking skills over the three hours of camp.
We tell our campers to find the 2 or 3 “nuggets of gold” that you can take with you to improve. Kicking camps can only do so much in the time alotted, but becoming the consistent kicker you wish to be will take a full summer’s worth of kicking balls to begin to perfect your craft.
From post and sideline drills to learning (and knowing) your K-zone are the starting point. From there, we moved to the “ghostball” drill to find out perfect kickoff steps — no more “chicken steps” so that every kickoff can be at your maximum energy potential instead of half-power. We also added some nifty onsides tricks to our capabilities and finished with some competitions, team and individual to help understand how to succeed under pressure.
MKPC — $50 OFF ENTRY FEE (if you attended a camp)
All campers who are 15 and older are encouraged to attend the MIDWEST KICKING & PUNTING CHAMPIONSHIP in River Falls, Wisconsin on Saturday, July 13th. It’s a great way to wrap up your summer training season where high schoolers compete along side college kickers. There are three separate contests (KO, P & FG) and last year, two high schoolers won !

See what college recruiting is all about from the staff of UW-River Falls and Coach Farley. Free food and drink included!