Friday, June 30th
Our sixth camp of the summer will be in West Bend, Wisconsin (30 min. north of Milwaukee) at their turf field for both West Bend West & East High Schools.
This kicking & punting camp is open to any middle school or high school kicker or punter.
Note that we’re on turf so that we can kick, rain or shine. Inclement weather will only delay us and we’ll have access to a storm shelter should it be necessary.
Friday, June 30th
Check-in starts at 8:30am on the game field and we get underway at 9am sharp. We’ll have the field until noon. Campers will get a free combine t-shirt and plenty of hands-on (or legs-on) instruction. Come prepared to get some kicks in. You’d hate to be unprepared and have to skip kicks because your leg is tired.
The 3-hour session will be a mixture of group instruction, small group drills and even some competition with other campers. It’s our goal to give you some new insights and tools to improve your technique and game mentality.
I do not teach a singular method to kicking or punting. We find what works and move on from there. Whether you are a beginner or all-conference, there’s a lot to take away from this experience. The emphasis will be on kicking, but you will learn punting skills, too. Be prepared for both.
Why the combine t-shirt?
Because it’s cooler than any other camp shirt you’ll get this summer, and, as we do some filming, it’s easier to identify which camper we’re looking at.
What about other camps?
By all means, go to them. Quality repetitions are crucial to your success and competing with other athletes from your area or from across the country gives you a great gauge on your progress. It’s just that some camps get a little pricey or are just too far away. We’re trying to make it very accessible and get the same quality learning.
We’re not running 300-kids-on-a-field camp. This is smaller and more personal. We want you to learn and not feel pressure to perform for scouts. BUT, we do want you to feel pressure to perform for yourself. We don’t do stat sheets. We train kickers and punters, at any skill level to be better than they were before attending camp.