Sunday, March 12th
The first event of 2023 will be in Rhinelander, Wisconsin indoors at Rhinelander High School’s Hodag Dome — the largest high school indoor bubble in America!
A full 100-yard field inside with a 70-foot ceiling height.
The KICKING COMBINE (kicking and punting charting in the Hodag Dome) is unique in the state since the Hodag Dome is a full 100 yard field with a 70 foot ceiling height. You’ve never seen anything quite like it — and it’s a comfortable 72 degrees with some slight air conditioned breeze inside.
NOTE: It’ll take an incredible punt to hit the roof of the Hodag Dome! If you do, no worries, you’ll get an extra ball.
You will get a time in which to participate at the Combine. This will come to you via email prior to the Combine. You should check-in a half-hour prior to your testing window.
Please arrive early enough so that you’re on time… the combine sessions start on the hour. You’ll find our greeters eager to get you checked in, hand-out your combine t-shirt and direct you to the field to get warmed up. There will be ample time to warm up. Players that are doing both the Performance Combine and the Kicking Combine will be directed by our staff in how to proceed.
You height and weight will be recorded once you’ve arrived.
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In the KICKING COMBINE participants will gather on the field to listen and learn from Coach Farley. He’ll provide a blueprint for how the session will go, as well as offer some tips and advice on how to perform at your best — and under pressure — to enjoy your experience. Specialists will be given an opportunity to warm-up by stretching, jogging and getting “up-to-speed” with their kicks and punts. You should have your own ball and tee.
Combine specialists will work between the kick off and punting charting sessions. Kickers can use up to a 2″ tee. Once underway, punters and kickers will be given a warm-up ball, then will take turns with other participants in kicking five balls for hang time and distance. Scoring is done by adding the distance of the kick/punt with the hang time (x10).
Example: punt of 45 yards with a 3.5 hangtime is 45 + 35 = 80 pts.
All scores will be recorded and placed on the Combine Results page, but only your top two scores will be included on your Digital Player Card that you can use to send to your family, friends, coaches and recruiters. You will go through both kicking and punt charting (only your best score will be added to your Digital Player Card).
All specialists will re-group on the field to participate in field goal accuracy and distance tests. Place kickers may use up to a 2″ block. All kickers will start at the 25 yard line (35-yard field goal). You’ll have 5 kicks available to you to gain your best score and to get your longest made FG.
Your Final Score is cumulative of “made” yardage — that is… 35 good (35 pts.), 40 good (40 pts.), 45 miss (0 pts.), 45 good (45 pts.), 53 miss (0 pts) = 120 total points.
This is both pressure to perfrom, as well as show some intellect to choose wisely given your ability. Is it better to show that you made all of your kicks from shorter distances, or to show that you can hit at least one boomer? That’s up to you!
The accuracy of all of these kicks will be charted and reported on the Combine Results page, but only the longest field goal will be listed on your Digital Combine Card.
Combine specialists will gather again with Coach Farley for a post combine assessment, along with some advice on kicking and punting for the upcoming Fall high school football season. From there, you’ll be released from the combine to chat with friends, partipants or recruiters (of for those that selected BOTH COMBINES, to participate in the Performance Combine).
Combine T-shirt
We ask all of our combine participants to wear our t-shirt, not only because it cooler than any other camp shirt you’ll get, but because we do filming and charting and it’s easier to identify which athlete we’re evaluating.
What should you bring to camp?
First and foremost, a great attitude. We won’t hesitate in sending a camper home if they are belligerent or disrepectful to coaches, parents or fellow athletes (and not refund their Combine fee). Don’t be “that guy.”
Do bring comfortable workout gear, kicking shoes (and running/turf shoes), a football that you use in high school (please make an identifying mark on your ball) and any tees that you use. You should also have a jug of water, a snack if necessary. Since we’ll be indoors, you don’t need any extra clothing. It’ll be 72 and only the slightest air conditioned breeze inside the dome.
We film all three stations (kickoffs, punting and field goal sessions). It takes us a few weeks after the combine to assemble this footage and professionally edit it for your use. The cost of adding this video to your combine experience is just $75. Adding this video is optional. Once done, we send you the link to your private video onliine — that you can choose with whom you share.
Will college recruiters be there?
We will be inviting coaches from around the Midwest to attend the combine. Most likely, there will be many assistant coaches watching you. After the combine, these scouts may wish to chat with you. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself. Coaches like to know that the athlete they saw on the field is a well rounded person. You should NOT bring a resume or transcript. A positive attitude is usually all it takes to leave a lasting impression. The neat thing about the Northwoods Kicking Combine is that recruiters get a chance to really see you in action. Take full advantage of that.
There are only so many we can run through the combine. We want you to learn — and to have a great experience. We’re pulling for you to have a great day, but don’t worry too much, your Digital Player Card will only showcase your best scores.
Have fun and do your best!

IMPORTANT: If you or your athlete gets lost or will be delayed in getting to camp, please text Mike Farley directly at: 262-388-3326. We want to make sure that every participant is safe at our combine (as well as to and from the camp site).