Who’s coming to camp this year?

We’re off to a great start from our innaugural year last year. With 7 high school camps this summer in 5 new locations, we’re trying to reach as many high school athletes as we can and accommodate your busy summer schedules.

Currently, we have three of our camps with over a dozen kids and the rest are hovering between 6 and 10.  One of our strengths is in keeping numbers low enough that everyone gets individual attention at camp.  When you get more than two dozen kids on a field, it’r really tough.

Our unique in Wisconsin punting only camp in Eau Claire (June 17) is lagging behind the others — apparently there just isn’t much love for punters — but we sure do!  And for the kids who come, it’ll be a great camp. I guarantee it!

Our campers will tell you that it’s the best half-day of the summer. They learn a lot and get to make a new friend or two. Funny, how it’s nice to see a recognizable face on the other side of the field!

So, get you kid signed up for camp!  Choose the camp (or camps) you wish to attend and sign up to get your form in.  Then, use you Venmo app to pay @kickerscamp $125 for the fee of each camp.  If you’d prefer to mail in a check, you can do so:

Mike Farley’s Kickers Camp
c/o Mike Farley
W64N631 Hanover Ave, Suite N202
Cedarburgm WI 53012