by Mike Farley | Dec 13, 2023 | Advanced Training, Camp Info, Kicking 101, Punting 101
RSVP NOW Friday, May 24th NORTHSHORE KICKING & PUNTING COMBINE The first camp of 2024 will be at Concordia University in Mequon, Wisconsin. COACHING, CHARTING & CLINIC, ALL-IN-ONE!Get a leg up on the competition in college recruiting as you attend this 3-in-1...
by Mike Farley | Nov 16, 2022 | Advanced Training, Camp Info, Kicking 101, Punting 101
RSVP NOW Sunday, March 12th NORTHWOODS COMBINE in the HODAG DOME The first event of 2023 will be in Rhinelander, Wisconsin indoors at Rhinelander High School’s Hodag Dome — the largest high school indoor bubble in America! YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT!A full...
by Mike Farley | Jun 27, 2022 | Kicking 101
Where did all the straight on kickers go? It’s easy to see the photo above of Lou Groza, NFL Hall of Famer, and think that straight on kickers are an extinct breed, never to be seen on the face of earth again… None in the pros, and to my knowledge, there...